Contact us

You can get in touch with the engagement team by:

  • Emailing:
  • Calling: 0330 053 4356 and ask for the Engagement Team
  • Writing: Kirkham House, John Comyn Drive, Worcester, WR3 7NS

If you wish to make a compliment, complaint or concern please see our contact us section

Join Herefordshire and Worcestershire Involvement Network (HWIN)

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) run the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Involvement Network (HWIN) that brings the public voice from across the two counties to the heart of the organisation. The HWIN enables patients and the public to work together with us to better understand and help shape local health services.

The aim of the HWIN is to give you the opportunity to:

  • Have your say and debate issues
  • Access up to date information about the ICB
  • Help us improve the future local health services
  • Learn more about your areas of interest
  • Hear feedback on your views and what the ICB are doing

We will contact members regularly with health news and opportunities to get involved. Sign up by completing the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Involvement Network form

The welcome video to HWIN can be viewed here.

Volunteer Policies

Our volunteer and expenses policies can be found here.


Join your local Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) support individual GP practices. Speak to your local GP Practice about joining your Patient Participation Group (PPG) to get involved with your local surgery.

The ICB runs a virtual network of PPGs to encourage communication and the sharing of best practice. To find out more about the PPG Network please contact the engagement team using the contact details at the top of the page. 

Get involved with your local Healthwatch 

Healthwatch are your independent health and social care champion. There is a Healthwatch in Herefordshire and one in Worcestershire.

Get involved with health and care across Herefordshire and Worcestershire

You can get involved with the public sector across the Integrated Care System: