Published on: 20 May 2024

A specialist screening bus is heading to Hereford for 2 pop-up events next week, as part of Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Week 20-26 May. Healthcare staff will be on hand to provide free diabetes checks and advice at two locations, over two days, in Hereford.

  • Tue  21 May  Belmont Tesco on Abbottsmead Road 10am-4pm
  • Wed 22 May  High Town Market Day 10am-4pm
  • What to expect:
    • Finger prick blood sampling for early signs of diabetes risk
    • Blood pressure checks
    • BMI Checks
    • Lipid Testing

Over 52,000 people across Herefordshire and Worcestershire have type 2 diabetes, meaning they are at higher risk of serious health conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, foot problems, vision loss and kidney problems. Many more across the two counties are at risk of diabetes diagnosis. 134,000 have high blood pressure, while 27% of adults in the area are obese. Both are contributing factors to diabetes.

Some groups are at higher risk than others. Men, people of South Asian or Black ethnicity, people who are overweight, and those with a family history of type 2 diabetes are more susceptible. Potential symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst or hunger, and notable weight changes. If you are experiencing any of these, then you should contact your GP Practice. 

The good news is that you can prevent type 2 diabetes by eating a healthy, balanced diet, by maintaining a healthy weight, and by keeping physically active. In fact, since the NHS launched its Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, new diagnoses have reduced in England. In the last year, health professionals in Herefordshire and Worcestershire have referred thousands of people across the two counties, onto this ‘lifestyle change’ programme.

Type 2 diabetes can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. That’s why it’s important to check whether you could be at risk. You can even do this online, at Diabetes UK – Know Your Risk of Type 2 diabetes. It only takes a couple of minutes, and it could be the most important thing you do today!  


Dr. George Henry, Deputy Chief Medical Officer for NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire and local Diabetes Lead:

“While the NHS Healthier You Prevention Programme has reduced new diagnoses of type 2 diabetes in England, saving thousands of people from its potentially serious consequences, there is always more we can do. There are simple steps you can take to avoid a diagnosis. You can do this by eating a balanced diet, taking regular exercise, stopping smoking as soon as possible and limiting your alcohol intake.

“Type 2 diabetes can lead to serious health complications if left untreated. That’s why health bosses in Herefordshire and Worcestershire have teamed up with a national charity in urging everyone to find out if they are at risk during Diabetes Prevention Week (20-26 May). It only takes a couple of minutes, and it could be the most important thing you do today!

Search ‘Know Your Risk’ and take the free ‘risk score test’ on the Diabetes UK website.

“If you are experiencing frequent urination, excessive thirst or hunger, or notable weight changes, you should contact your GP Practice as it could be a sign of diabetes.”